Some Mistakes Were Made

Kristin Dwyer
HarperCollins • 2022

Ellis and Easton have been inseparable since childhood. But when a rash decision throws Ellis's life-and her relationship with Easton-into chaos, she's forced to move halfway across the country, far f...rom everything she's ever known. Now Ellis hasn't spoken to Easton in a year, and maybe it's better that way; maybe eventually the Easton-shaped hole in her heart will heal. But when Easton's mom invites her home for a visit, Ellis finds herself tangled up in the web of heartache, betrayal, and anger she left behind . . . and with the boy she never stopped loving.

Sumár recenzie
V recenzii na knihu je jej autor veľmi nadšený z príbehu a spôsobu, akým je napísaný. Síce kniha nie je známa a nezískala veľkú pozornosť, autor ju považuje za skrytý poklad. Oslovuje ho detailné popisovanie prostredia a postáv, ktoré vytvára silnú atmosféru. Podľa autora je kniha plná napätia, nečakaných zvratov a hlbokých myšlienok. Odporúča ju každému, kto má rád dobrodružné a introspektívne príbehy. Podľa autora je táto kniha skutočným literárnym skvostom.

Ellis and Easton have been inseparable since childhood. But when a rash decision throws Ellis's life-and her relationship with Easton-into chaos, she's forced to move halfway across the country, far from everything she's ever known. Now Ellis hasn't spoken to Easton in a year, and maybe it's better that way; maybe eventually the Easton-shaped hole in her heart will heal. But when Easton's mom invites her home for a visit, Ellis finds herself tangled up in the web of heartache, betrayal, and anger she left behind . . . and with the boy she never stopped loving.

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