
A.G. Howard
Harry Abrams • 2017

This YA novel from New York Times bestselling author A. G. Howard marks the beginning of a new era for fans of the Splintered series. Rune Germain moves to a boarding school outside of Paris, only to that at this opera-house-turned-music-conservatory, phantoms really do exist. RoseBlood is a Phantom of the Opera–inspired retelling in which Rune’s biggest talent—her voice—is also her biggest curse. Fans of Daughter of Smoke and Bone and the Splintered series will find themselves captivated by this pulse-pounding spin on a classic tale. Rune, whose voice has been compared to that of an angel, has a mysterious affliction linked to her talent that leaves her sick and drained at the end of every performance. Convinced creative direction will cure her, her mother ships her off to a French boarding school for the arts, rumored to have a haunted past. Shortly after arriving at RoseBlood conservatory, Rune starts to believe something otherworldly is indeed afoot. The mystery boy she’s seen frequenting the graveyard beside the opera house doesn’t have any classes at the school, and vanishes almost as quickly as he appears. When Rune begins to develop a secret friendship with the elusive Thorn, who dresses in clothing straight out of the 19th century, she realizes that in his presence she feels cured. Thorn may be falling for Rune, but the phantom haunting RoseBlood wants her for a very specific and dangerous purpose. As their love continues to grow, Thorn is faced with an impossible choice: lead Rune to her destruction, or save her and face the wrath of the phantom, the only father he’s ever known. A. G. Howard brings the romantic storytelling that Splintered fans adore to France—and an entirely new world filled with lavish romance and intrigue—in a retelling inspired by a story that has captivated generations. Fans of both the Phantom of the Opera musical and novel, as well as YA retellings such as Marissa Meyer’s Cinder, will devour RoseBlood.

  • Počet strán: 432 strán
  • ISBN13:9781419719097
  • Ďalšie vydania: Krverůž

Sériu Šepotání som dočítala pred dvomi rokmi. Séria bola príjemná, viac-menej i zábavná a ja som si obľúbila Morfea (nikdy som nebola Zachovým fanúšikom). Prvá kniha sa dosť vliekla a popisy mi liezli hore krkom, prvú tretinu knihy som nejako pretrpela, dvojka a trojka boli lepšie, hoci mi ich Zach dosť znechutil. Keď som dočítala sériu, do ďalšej jednodielovky od autorky som sa nehnala.[...]

fantasy Recenze young adult

☆☆☆   Autor: A.G. HowardNázev: Krverůž (Roseblood)Nakladatelství: CoobooRok vydání: 2017Počet stran: 460 A.G. Howard přijede letos v říjnu na Humbook a těsně před tím vyjde i její nejnovější kniha Krverůž. Ambasadoři Humbooku dostali (což jsem i já) možnost přečíst si jí už teď a pak sepsat 50 věcí, co nás při jejím čtení napadlo.Nejdřív jen krátce o čem Krverůž vlastně je?Rune má[...]

Autorka: A.G.Howard | Na čo sa môžete tešiť: záhady, sexy tajomný huslista, tajomná atmosféra | Goodreads: 3,38 | České vydanie: Cooboo, 7.9.2017 Myslím, že niektorým z vás budú názvy kníh Šepotání, Divotání či dokonca Splintered niečo hovoriť. Ak nie, musíte to napraviť, sú to geniálne knihy. Ja som si Anitu zamilovala ako autorku hneď po prvej knihe, Šepotání, ktorú som od nej čítala.[...]

1/5 2017 A.G. Howard Abrams

Autor – A.G. Howard Vydavateľstvo – Abrams Rok vydania – 2017 Počet strán - 432 Hodnotenie na Goodreads – 3,42/ 2 300Anotácia In this modern day spin on Leroux’s gothic tale of unrequited love turned to madness, seventeen-year-old Rune Germain has a mysterious affliction linked to her operatic talent, and a horrifying mistake she’s trying to hide. Hoping creative direction will help[...]

This YA novel from New York Times bestselling author A. G. Howard marks the beginning of a new era for fans of the Splintered series. Rune Germain moves to a boarding school outside of Paris, only to discover that at this opera-house-turned-music-conservatory, phantoms really do exist. RoseBlood is a Phantom of the Opera–inspired retelling in which Rune’s biggest talent—her voice—is also her biggest curse. Fans of Daughter of Smoke and Bone and the Splintered series will find themselves captivated by this pulse-pounding spin on a classic tale. Rune, whose voice has been compared to that of an angel, has a mysterious affliction linked to her talent that leaves her sick and drained at the end of every performance. Convinced creative direction will cure her, her mother ships her off to a French boarding school for the arts, rumored to have a haunted past. Shortly after arriving at RoseBlood conservatory, Rune starts to believe something otherworldly is indeed afoot. The mystery boy she’s seen frequenting the graveyard beside the opera house doesn’t have any classes at the school, and vanishes almost as quickly as he appears. When Rune begins to develop a secret friendship with the elusive Thorn, who dresses in clothing straight out of the 19th century, she realizes that in his presence she feels cured. Thorn may be falling for Rune, but the phantom haunting RoseBlood wants her for a very specific and dangerous purpose. As their love continues to grow, Thorn is faced with an impossible choice: lead Rune to her destruction, or save her and face the wrath of the phantom, the only father he’s ever known. A. G. Howard brings the romantic storytelling that Splintered fans adore to France—and an entirely new world filled with lavish romance and intrigue—in a retelling inspired by a story that has captivated generations. Fans of both the Phantom of the Opera musical and novel, as well as YA retellings such as Marissa Meyer’s Cinder, will devour RoseBlood.

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