Ladies of Ivy Cottage

Julie Klassen
Bethany House • 2017

New from the Top Author of Inspirational Regency Romance Return to Ivy Hill in The Ladies of Ivy Cottage as friendships deepen, romances blossom, and mysteries unfold. Living with the two Miss Groves Ivy Cottage, impoverished gentlewoman Rachel Ashford is determined to earn her own livelihood . . . somehow. When the village women encourage her to open a subscription library with the many books she has inherited or acquired through donations, Rachel discovers two mysteries hidden among them. A man who once broke her heart helps her search for clues, but will both find more than they bargained for? Rachel's friend and hostess, Mercy Grove, has given up thoughts of suitors and fills her days managing her girls' school. So when several men take an interest in Ivy Cottage, she assumes pretty Miss Ashford is the cause. Exactly what—or who—has captured each man's attention? The truth may surprise them all. Meanwhile, life has improved at the coaching inn and Jane Bell is ready to put grief behind her. Now if only the man she misses would return—but where is he? As the women of Ivy Hill search for answers about the past and hope for the future, might they find love along the way?

Originál: The Ladies of Ivy Cottage (2017)Autor: Julie Klassen Vydavateľstvo: i527.netPreklad: Zuzana Vengliková  Počet strán: 424Rok vydania: 2019 Rachel Ashfordová, dcéra skrachovaného džentlmena, žije ako hosť v Ivy Cottage. Keďže skromné úspory sa jej rýchlo míňajú, zaumieni si, že si na živobytie bude zarábať sama... nejako. Po otcovi zdedila množstvo kníh, a tak ju jej priateľka[...]

Historky z Ivy Hillu 2 Dedinka Ivy Hill a jeho obyvatelia opäť zažívajú dobrodružstvá popretkávané neočakávanými situáciami. V druhom diele Panie z Ivy Cottage sa dej sústreďuje hlavne okolo Rachel Ashfordovej a Mercy Groveovej. Hoci Rachel kedysi žila v prepychu, teraz sa jej život dostal[...] Príspevok Panie z Ivy Cottage zobrazený najskôr knihomoľ

Historky z Ivy Hillu sú prvou trilógiou z pera Julie Klassenovej. Pri takom počte kníh, ktoré má na konte, a pri súčasných trendoch je priam neuveriteľné, že k tomu došlo až teraz. Rozhodne sa však oplatilo počkať, obyvateľov malého mestečka si okamžite obľúbite a budete s jemným úsmevom na perách sledovať, akým smerom sa uberajú ich osudy. Všetko sa začalo Hostincom v Ivy Hille, ktorý[...]

New from the Top Author of Inspirational Regency Romance Return to Ivy Hill in The Ladies of Ivy Cottage as friendships deepen, romances blossom, and mysteries unfold. Living with the two Miss Groves in Ivy Cottage, impoverished gentlewoman Rachel Ashford is determined to earn her own livelihood . . . somehow. When the village women encourage her to open a subscription library with the many books she has inherited or acquired through donations, Rachel discovers two mysteries hidden among them. A man who once broke her heart helps her search for clues, but will both find more than they bargained for? Rachel's friend and hostess, Mercy Grove, has given up thoughts of suitors and fills her days managing her girls' school. So when several men take an interest in Ivy Cottage, she assumes pretty Miss Ashford is the cause. Exactly what—or who—has captured each man's attention? The truth may surprise them all. Meanwhile, life has improved at the coaching inn and Jane Bell is ready to put grief behind her. Now if only the man she misses would return—but where is he? As the women of Ivy Hill search for answers about the past and hope for the future, might they find love along the way?

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