
Anna Todd
Gallery Books • 2015

Book 5 of the After series—Anna Todd’s Wattpad fanfiction that racked up 1 billion reads online and captivated romance readers across the globe! Before explores Hardin Scott’s life before Tessa, revea... reveals what happens after After, and gives new insights on their turbulent #Hessa romance. Cosmopolitan called Anna Todd “the biggest literary phenom of her generation.” That’s Normal declared Hardin and Tessa “The Mr. Darcy and Lizzy Bennet of our time.” Revel in the awesome, messy power of true love. Before Hardin met Tessa he was a raging storm. During those first moments they met, he realized he needed to keep her for himself his life depended on it. After they got together, the world would never be the same. Hardin and Tessa’s dramatic love affair became a vortex pulling in everyone around them. For the first time these others are given voice as they appear before, during, and after the events in original After novels. Alongside them, Hardin’s account of his first encounters with Tessa—which will change what you thought you knew about the brooding boy and the angel who loved him.

Čo bolo predtým a čo bolo potom? Nevinná kráska a potetovaný búrlivák. Tessa a Hardin. Ich vzťah bol viac ako turbulentný. Spočiatku šlo o hru, no postupne sa Tessa stala celým Hardinovým svetom a oboch ich prevalcovala skutočná, nespútaná láska. Pripomínala smršť, ktorá so sebou strhávala všetkých naokolo. Hardin balansoval na hrane krutosti, Tessa trpela. Lenže správanie človeka[...]

Prešlo skoro 5 rokov, odkedy na Slovensku vyšla prvá časť série After, ktorá vyvolala senzáciu medzi tínedžermi. A nielen tými slovenskými. Fanfikcia na britskú hudobnú kapelu One Direction si najprv získala srdia online čitateľov na portáli wattpad, kde dosiahla miliardu prečítaní. Štvordielna séria neskôr vyšla aj knižne, dokopy na 2 500 stranách.  Nevinná kráska a potetovaný[...]

Bola to obrovská internetová senzácia. Miliarda prečítaní online, 5 miliónov komentárov a 11 miliónov lajkov. Po piatich rokoch je tu záver série s názvom After – Pred nami, ktorý vychádza vo vydavateľstve Ikar. O knihe Tessa a Hardin. Ich vzťah bol... The post Nevinná kráska a potetovaný búrlivák: Záverečný diel After – Pred nami odkrýva posledné tajomstvá nespútanej lásky appeared first on[...]

Book 5 of the After series—Anna Todd’s Wattpad fanfiction that racked up 1 billion reads online and captivated romance readers across the globe! Before explores Hardin Scott’s life before Tessa, reveals what happens after After, and gives new insights on their turbulent #Hessa romance. Cosmopolitan called Anna Todd “the biggest literary phenom of her generation.” That’s Normal declared Hardin and Tessa “The Mr. Darcy and Lizzy Bennet of our time.” Revel in the awesome, messy power of true love. Before Hardin met Tessa he was a raging storm. During those first moments they met, he realized he needed to keep her for himself his life depended on it. After they got together, the world would never be the same. Hardin and Tessa’s dramatic love affair became a vortex pulling in everyone around them. For the first time these others are given voice as they appear before, during, and after the events in original After novels. Alongside them, Hardin’s account of his first encounters with Tessa—which will change what you thought you knew about the brooding boy and the angel who loved him.

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